Alexandre Lacazette is not in Arsenal’s plans?

Alexandre Lacazette is not in Arsenal’s plans?

The French midfielder is not a part of the Gunners’ plans, but he is a player who can be of great help to the club. He is a good athlete, who can play in different positions. He has a good technique and is able to make quick and accurate passes.
At the moment, he is not the most sought-after player in the transfer market, but the club is not going to spend a lot on him. The team needs to strengthen the position of the leader, and Lacazete is one of the best candidates for the job.

The Frenchman is a talented player, who is able not only to score goals, but also to make the team win. He can become a good replacement for the injured Ramsey, who has been out for a long time.
However, the club has a lot of other players who can become the main striker of the team, and it is not clear whether Lacazeté will be able to help the club achieve this goal.
All the latest news on Arsenal from the world of the club
Do you want to know the latest information on the team from the French capital? Then, you should visit the website of sports statistics. Here you will find only the verified information from the reliable sources.
The team of Arsène Wenger has a busy season ahead of it. The Frenchman has already managed to get the victory in the Champions League, but now he needs to get closer to the coveted title.
This is why the team is trying to strengthen its position. The main priority is to get rid of the position in the Europa League. The club has already strengthened its position in this tournament, and now it is trying not to lose points.
In the fight for the title, the Gunner’s team is considered the main contender for the victory. However, the main rival of the French team is Manchester City. The Citizens have a good squad, which is able both to win the Champions league and to get into the Europa league zone.
You can always follow the development of events in the English Premier League on the website. Here, you will not miss anything important from the livescore section.
Latest news on the Arsenal transfers
The season of the English championship is in full swing, and the Gunmen have already managed a lot. The most interesting events are the transfers of the players, who are expected to become the key players of the new team.
Among the most interesting transfers of this season, we can highlight:
* Lukaku;
* Sábado;
* Monreal.
Lukaku is a Portuguese player, and he is considered one of Arsenal’ players who is the most important for the team. He was a key player of the Portuguese team, which won the European Cup. The player has already become a champion, and is now ready to help his team in the fight against the Citizens.
Sábada is a Spanish player, but his transfer to the Gun club is a big surprise. The Spanish player has been playing for the Spanish national team for a few years. He became a key member of the lineup, and helped the team to win gold medals.
Monreal is a Colombian player, whose transfer to Arsenal is a real surprise. He played for the club for a short time, but became a real star of the Spanish team. The Colombian player is able, not only score goals for the Gun, but is also able to create scoring chances for the teammates.
It is important to note that the team of Wenger has an excellent lineup, which can be used in different ways.
Arsenal’ transfers in the next season
The club has several players who are able to become key players for the new Arsenal. Among them, we should highlight:
* Ramsey;
* Aubameyang;
Ramsey is a key figure for the Arsenal, because he is able score many goals. He also has a great technique, and can make quick, accurate passes, which are very important for attacking players.
Aubameyang is a young player who is capable of becoming a key star of Arsenal. He already managed, in the first season of his career, to score a lot, and also managed to score many important goals.
‘Sámeida’ is a newcomer to the team who is also capable of helping the team in different aspects. The young player is a midfielder, who plays in the central position. He scored a lot in the Spanish championship, and has already helped the club to win several titles.
Finally, “Montero” is a new player to the squad of the Frenchman. The newcomer is a striker, who scored a few goals for his club. However he is still a young talent, and needs to develop his game in the team and in the field.
Follow the development in the world football on the sports statistics website. It is easy to find here only the reliable information, which will help you to get a better understanding of the situation in the championship of England.
Where to find the latest Arsenal news?
The Gunners are in the middle of the championship, but they are not in the lead.

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