Will Mourinho shake hands with Wenger?

Will Mourinho shake hands with Wenger?

The summer transfer window has come to an end, and it has left many fans wondering whether the current season will be the last for the Gunners. Many of the players who were acquired during the summer will be leaving the club, and the situation is not so simple.

The main transfer that will be of great significance for the club is the acquisition of Lukaku. The Belgian is a player who can become a key player for the team, and he has already shown his potential. The player has already scored a few goals, and his performance has already pleased the fans.
However, the main transfer of the summer is the one that will affect the clubโ€™s results. The transfer of Eden Hazard has already become a big issue, and now it is very important for the management of the club to solve this problem. The club needs to strengthen the position of the forward, and this is possible only with the help of the transfer of Lukaku.
In the last season, the Belgian player managed to score a lot of goals, but the club did not manage to win the championship. Now, it is much easier to get the transfer, because the club has a lot more chances to win.
The team has a good chance to win in the long run, because it is still possible to improve the position in the standings.
Will the Arsenal have a successful season?
The Gunners have a good opportunity to win, because they have a lot to play for. The main thing that the club needs is to be able to improve their position in standings, because there are a lot better teams in the Premier League.
This summer, the team has strengthened its position, and many players have already managed to improve themselves. The problem is that the management has not been able to do this, so the club will have to do its best to achieve the desired result.
It is very likely that the Gunnerโ€™ will be able win the title, but it is not yet known how the team will perform in the future. The team will have a busy transfer campaign, and they will try to win gold medals again.
Who will be their main transfer targets?
One of the main transfers that the team needs to do is the transfer that can improve the teamโ€™ position in Premier League table. The Gunners need to strengthen their defense, and in this case, it will be very important to get a player from the club.
Many experts have already predicted the name of the player who will be a key for the Arsenal, and there is no doubt that the player will be Eden Hazard. The London Arsenal player has a very good game, and everyone knows that he is able to score goals.
There is a high probability that the Belgian will leave the club after the transfer campaign. Many people have already said that the transfer will be an excellent decision, because now the Gunnery needs to improve its position in table, and if they do not do this then they will not be able achieve their goals. The management of Arsenal has a great opportunity to do their best, and their main goal is to win a lot in the next season.
How to follow the latest news from the world of football?
It has become much easier with the development of technology, and you can follow the results of the matches of your favorite team from the comfort of your home. It is easy to do it with the assistance of the sports statistics website, where you will find the information about the results, statistics, and other interesting information.
You can always find the results from matches of the teams from all over the world, and here you will also find the latest information. The website of sports statistics is very popular among fans, because here they can find the data from the matches that are held in different parts of the world.
Among the most popular championships are the following:
* Champions League;
* Europa League; and
* Premier League, as well as other championships.
All the information is available here in full, and fans can use the Internet to learn the latest results.
Do you want to know the results and statistics of the games of the English Premier League?
This season, Manchester United has a really difficult task to win its fourth title. The Red Devils have a really good lineup, and with the transfer window closed, the club can make a lot from it.
One player who has already managed this is Marcus Rashford. The young player has managed to become a leader of the team. He is able not only to score many goals, he also has a cool game.
Rashford has already proved that he can be a leader in the team and make the team win. He has already helped the team to win several trophies, and so far he is the most valuable player of the Red Devils.
Now, itโ€™ll be much easier for the young player to leave the team because he has a contract with the club for the next five years. The situation is really difficult for the Red devils, but they have everything they need to win another title.
Manchester United will need to do a lot, because in the current campaign the club lost a lot. The players are tired of losing, and that is why they have to try to do everything they can to win more trophies.

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